Στο National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Στο National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


Προκήρυξη "Προγράμματος Παγκόσμιας Διακυβέρνησης" του National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), πενταετούς διάρκειας με παρεχόμενη, ωστόσο, δυνατότητα ολοκλήρωσης των σπουδών και σε τρία έτη.


Η Ελληνική Πρεσβεία στο Τόκυο ανακοίνωσε με έγγραφο της  το οποίο αφορά σε προκήρυξη πενταετούς διδακτορικού κύκλου σπουδών, με τίτλο "GRIPS - Global Governance Program (G- cube)". Η ημερομηνία υποβολής των αιτήσεων για το τρέχον ακαδημαϊκό έτος λήγει στις 13-11-2015 .

Ακολουθεί η ανακοίνωση:

 We are proud to announce that the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) has started a new 5-year Ph.D. program called "GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)" In October 2014.

G-cube Is 5-year program, Master's and Ph.D., that alms to create leader ofleaders who have a broad perspective based on firm knowledge in history and liberal arts, and can deal with various Issues that are arising due to the emerging new world order and changing power dynamics, whether they are In government/ private sector or International organizations.

The program was developed out of a sense of crisis that the world Is faced with new and serious problems, such as financial crises, terrorism, energy challenges, and environmental issues, behind which lie conflicting interests, large value gaps, dysfunctional global governance systems, escalating globalization, the rise of emerging states, and drastic changes In the distribution of wealth and power Γη the world; and a new type of leader is needed to address these problems and forge a path to a new age. GRIPS has taken on as part of Its mission to respond to this call and produce such leader of leaders needed in these changing times.

The curriculum Is designed to equip students with (1) a broad historical perspective, which will help them understand the true nature of policy issues and predict their overall impact, (2) strong analytical ability needed to develop Insightful and effective policies, and (3) effective communication skills to convey Ideas and opinions across languages, cultures, religions, and nationalities.


The program Is about to welcome its second batch of students, 11 from all over the world, who were selected out of more than 140 applications this year. For year 2016, to start In October 2016, deadline for application submission Is November 13,2015. The standard enrollment; period is 5 years, but the curriculum is designed so that hard-working students will be able to complete In 3 years,

Financial Support
Generous financial support Is offered; students will receive full scholarship during their stay In Japan; entrance and tuition fees will be waived; and students from overseas will be provided a round-trip economy-dass air ticket. Further, once they complete the Master's course and enter the Doctoral course, students will be entitled to a research fund.

We have prepared first-class professors and practitioners, a flexible yet challenging curriculum, and good financial support for this program. Now all we need are good students. It would be highly appreciated If you could encourage those who may be interested to apply, If not this year, then in tne next few years.